Due to the reduction in government funding and corporate giving we have to be increasingly active and creative in sourcing funds. We are pushing the income we get from our commercial contracts to the maximum – taking on as many jobs as our service users can manage without work pressures adversely affecting their wellbeing.

This income covers around half of our expenses. To fill the gap, we have a new concerted and innovative fundraising plan, but we desperately need grants and donations too.

Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about our finances and how your grant or donation will be used.

You can donate via our Crowdfunding page or Just Giving. Or why not support us via the Swindon Lottery – it costs as little as £1 a week and adds up to make a big difference!

We are incredibly grateful to everyone that supports us!


We are always looking for exciting new ideas – please get in touch if you have a good idea for us – we are up for most things!

Later this year we will be holding an online raffle and auction – we would love a prize from you – anything from fruit baskets, to hampers, to experience days, to free stays in fancy houses! Please get in touch.

Thank you to the following wonderful organisations for helping with our fundraising – letting our volunteers collect donations at matches, helping with free tickets, holding raffles and auctions or donating prizes:


Ben Nevis 2023

On Sunday 18 June a group of 19 of us climbed Ben Nevis for Phoenix. Some of the team romped up and skipped down in just 5 hours and others bravely struggled through 11 hours – but we ALL MADE IT!!! And we raised a wonderful £9,200.


ben nevis





Snowdon 2022

On 17 September 13 of us climbed Snowdon for Phoenix. It was fabulous, but tough!! It’s not too late to make a donation, just click here. Thank you so very much to everyone that donated!!


Snowdon team at start
Snowdon Pete at start 2
Snowdon Ali at start


Snowdon Georgie, Kim, Anne
Snowdon Team 1 climbing
Snowdon lake


Snowdon Team 1 summit
Snowdon Team 2 top
Snowdon Team 1 descending